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----  [2009.7.31] KMi, Open University, UK 招收博士生  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=76259)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:8/4/2009 8:54:00 AM

--  [2009.7.31] KMi, Open University, UK 招收博士生

PhD Studentship at the Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK

The Open University’s Knowledge Media Institute (KMi, http://kmi.open.ac.uk) has an opening for a PhD student to undertake research on applying Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services technologies within the field of internet-based TV provisioning. The work will take place within the EU-funded project NoTube (http://notube.org). In particular, Semantic web Services technology such as WSMO and IRS-III will play a major role for the work of KMi, while integration with general-purpose Semantic Web standards such as RDF and OWL is of concern as well.

KMi is a highly successful interdisciplinary research centre founded at The Open University in 1995, and located in attractive premises at The Open University’s main campus in Milton Keynes, UK. We offer a stimulating environment, widely acknowledged to be at the leading edge of research and development, particularly in semantic web technologies, multimedia and information systems, knowledge modelling and management, new media for learning and sensemaking. KMi is part of the OU’s Centre for Research in Computing, ranked as one of the top 20 research centres in the UK RAE 2008. The style, impact and content of our work can be seen at http://kmi.open.ac.uk/.

Applicants should have a first or upper second class honours degree or masters degree in computer science, information systems or related discipline. The successful applicant should have the following skills:

* Familiarity with existing Semantic Web and/or Semantic Web Services standards and technologies (e.g. RDF, OWL, WSMO)
* Strong interest in next generation TV applications and/or digital TV and multimedia content management and metadata handling
* Ability to handle constructive feedback
* Ability to work in a team
* Ability to work to deadlines
* Good verbal and written communication skills
* A plus: experience in development of Knowledge-based systems and Semantic Web applications
For detailed information and how to apply go to http://kmi.open.ac.uk/studentships/networks-ontologies-transforming-broadcasting.php

Informal enquiries can be made to Dr. Stefan Dietze (s.dietze@open.ac.uk, Tel: +44 (0)1908 858217).

Dr. Stefan Dietze
Knowledge Media Institute,
The Open University,
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 1908 858217
Fax: +44 (0) 1908 653169

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