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----  ISWC 2008 论文集下载(含Workshop和Tutorials Slides)  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=88982)

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:1/2/2011 4:23:00 PM

--  ISWC 2008 论文集下载(含Workshop和Tutorials Slides)

ISWC 2008 Conference (Tutorial见下,Workshop见二楼)

A Kernel Revision Operator for Terminologies -- Algorithms and Evaluation
A Process Catalog for Workflow Generation
A Semantic Data Grid for Satellite Mission Quality Analysis
Algebras of Ontology Alignment Relations
An Architecture for Semantic Navigation and Reasoning with Patient Data - Experiences of the Health-e-Child Project
An Experimental Comparison of RDF Data Management Approaches in a SPARQL Benchmark Scenario
An Interface-Based Ontology Modularization Framework for Knowledge Encapsulation
Anytime Query Answering in RDF through Evolutionary Algorithms
Bringing the IPTC News Architecture into the Semantic Web
Collecting Community-Based Mappings in an Ontology Repository
Combining a DL Reasoner and a Rule Engine for Improving Entailment-Based OWL Reasoning
Comparison between Ontology Distances
Contracting and Copyright Issues for Composite Semantic Services
Creating and Using Organisational Semantic Webs in Large Networked Organisations
Deploying Semantic Web Technologies for Work Integrated Learning in Industry A Comparison - SME vs. Large Sized Company
Description Logic Reasoning with Decision Diagrams
DogOnt - Ontology Modeling for Intelligent Domotic Environments
ELP - Tractable Rules for OWL 2
Efficient Semantic Web Service Discovery in Centralized and P2P Environments
End-User Assisted Ontology Evolution in Uncertain Domains
Enhancing Semantic Web Services with Inheritance
Evaluating Long-Term Use of the Gnowsis Semantic Desktop for PIM
Exploring Semantic Social Networks Using Virtual Reality
Extracting Semantic Constraint from Description Text for Semantic Web Service Discovery
Folksonomy-Based Collabulary Learning
Formal Model for Semantic-Driven Service Execution
Identifying Potentially Important Concepts and Relations in an Ontology
Improving an RCC-Derived Geospatial Approximation by OWL Axioms
Inference Web in Action - Lightweight Use of the Proof Markup Language
Instanced-Based Mapping between Thesauri and Folksonomies
Integrating Object-Oriented and Ontological Representations - A Case Study in Java and OWL
Interactive Exploration of Heterogeneous Cultural Heritage Collections
Introducing IYOUIT
Involving Domain Experts in Authoring OWL Ontologies
Laconic and Precise Justifications in OWL
Learning Concept Mappings from Instance Similarity
Learning Methods in Multi-grained Query Answering
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Market Blended Insight - Modeling Propensity to Buy with the Semantic Web
Modeling Documents by Combining Semantic Concepts with Unsupervised Statistical Learning
OWL Datatypes - Design and Implementation
On the Semantics of Trust and Caching in the Semantic Web
OntoNaviERP - Ontology-Supported Navigation in ERP Software Documentation
Optimization and Evaluation of Reasoning in Probabilistic Description Logic - Towards a Systematic Approach
Parallel Computation Techniques for Ontology Reasoning
RDF123 - From Spreadsheets to RDF
RDFS Reasoning and Query Answering on Top of DHTs
Requirements Analysis Tool - A Tool for Automatically Analyzing Software Requirements Documents
RoundTrip Ontology Authoring
Scalable Grounded Conjunctive Query Evaluation over Large and Expressive Knowledge Bases
Semantic Enrichment of Folksonomy Tagspaces
Semantic Grounding of Tag Relatedness in Social Bookmarking Systems
Semantic Modelling of User Interests Based on Cross-Folksonomy Analysis
Semantic Relatedness Measure Using Object Properties in an Ontology
Semantic Web Service Choreography - Contracting and Enactment
Statistical Learning for Inductive Query Answering on OWL Ontologies
Supporting Collaborative Ontology Development in Protege
Supporting Ontology-Based Dynamic Property and Classification in WebSphere Metadata Server
Term Dependence on the Semantic Web
The Expressive Power of SPARQL
Thesaurus-Based Search in Large Heterogeneous Collections
Towards Semantic Mapping for Casual Web Users
Towards a Multimedia Content Marketplace Implementation Based on Triplespaces
Using Semantic Distances for Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies
nSPARQL - A Navigational Language for RDF

ISWC 2008 Tutorial
a semantic multimedia web create annotate present and share your media (3,465 KB)
formal concept analysis for the semantic web (2,216 KB)
free semantic content using opencyc in semantic web applications (2 KB)
how to publish linked data on the web (646 KB)
introduction to the semantic web (21,211 KB)
knowledge representation and extraction for business intelligence (2,693 KB)
rdfa bridging the web of documents and the web of data (2,342 KB)
reasoning for ontology engineering and usage (218 KB)
rswa 2008 realizing a semantic web application (3,943 KB)
semantic web for health care and life sciences (20,448 KB)
working modularly with owl (764 KB)

[此贴子已经被作者于2011-1-3 22:31:49编辑过]

--  作者:admin
--  发布时间:1/2/2011 11:46:00 PM

ISWC 2008 Workshop

[INSEMTIVE] Bridging the Motivation Gap for Individual Annotators - What Can We Learn From Photo Annotation Systems (66 KB)
[INSEMTIVE] Case Sharing and Ontology Structuring in an Online Oral Medicine Community (443 KB)
[INSEMTIVE] Extracting Time and Location Concepts Related to Tags (478 KB)
[INSEMTIVE] Growing the Semantic Web with Inverse Semantic Search (137 KB)
[INSEMTIVE] Tackling the Curse of Prepayment - Collaborative Knowledge Formalization Beyond Lightweight (100 KB)
[INSEMTIVE] Towards a Constitution Based Game for Fostering Fluency in 'Semantic Web Writing' (88 KB)
[IWOD] A Theoretical Model to Handle Ontology Debugging & Change Through Argumentation (250 KB)
[IWOD] An Ontology Creation Methodology - A Phased Approach (184 KB)
[IWOD] Controlled Ontology Evolution through Semiotic-based Ontology Evaluation (250 KB)
[IWOD] Supporting the Evolution of SHIQ Ontologies with Inductive Logic Programming (203 KB)
[IWOD] Using Background Knowledge for Ontology Evolution (234 KB)
[NatuReS] Anatomy of a Semantic Virus (278 KB)
[NatuReS] Genetic Algorithms for RDF Query Path Optimization (321 KB)
[NatuReS] Human Similarity theories for the semantic web (127 KB)
[NatuReS] Optimizing Ontology Alignments by Using Genetic Algorithms (384 KB)
[NatuReS] Text-Based Ontology Enrichment Using Hierarchical Self-organizing Maps (203 KB)
[OBI] Adopting Ontologies for Multisource Identity Resolution (325 KB)
[OBI] Approaches to Analyse Corporate Tags for Business Intelligence Purposes (188 KB)
[OBI] Enhancing Process-Adaptation Capabilities with Web Based Corporate Radar Technologies (207 KB)
[OBI] Opinion Analysis for Business Intelligence Applications (185 KB)
[OBI] Ranking Semantic Information for E-Government - Complaints Management (92 KB)
[OBI] SBI - A Semantic Framework to Support Business Intelligence (330 KB)
[OBI] Semantic Annotation and Linking of Competitive Intelligence Reports for Business Clusters (267 KB)
[OBI] SENTINEL - A Semantic Business Process Monitoring Tool (1,019 KB)
[OBI] Supporting Business Intelligence by Providing Ontology-Based End-User Information Self-Service (727 KB)
[OBI] The Business Knowledge for Customer Relationship Management - an Ontological Perspective (56 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] Alignment Results of Anchor-Flood Algorithm for OAEI-2008 (136 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] AROMA results for OAEI 2008 (70 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] ASMOV - Results for OAEI 2008 (276 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] DSSim Results for OAEI 2008 (186 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] First results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2008 (174 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] Lily - Ontology Alignment Results for OAEI 2008 (154 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] MapPSO Results for OAEI 2008 (71 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] Ontology Matching with CIDER - Evaluation Report for the OAEI 2008 (118 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] Results of GeRoMeSuite for OAEI 2008 (172 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] RiMOM Results for OAEI 2008 (244 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] SAMBO and SAMBOdtf Results for the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2008 (50 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] Spider - Bringing Non-Equivalence Mappings to OAEI (96 KB)
[OM2008 OAEI] TaxoMap in the OAEI 2008 alignment contest (190 KB)
[OM2008 Poster] Literature-based alignment of ontologies (68 KB)
[OM2008 Poster] Matching ontologies for emergency evacuation plans (161 KB)
[OM2008 Poster] On Applying Matching Tools to Large-Scale Ontologies (151 KB)
[OM2008 Poster] Ontological Mappings of Product Catalogues (170 KB)
[OM2008 Poster] Ontology Mapping via Structural and Instance-Based Similarity Measures (210 KB)
[OM2008 Poster] Relevance-Based Evaluation of Alignment Approaches - the OAEI 2007 food task revisited (77 KB)
[OM2008 Poster] Testing the Impact of Pattern-Based Ontology Refactoring on Ontology Matching Results (76 KB)
[OM2008 Poster] Towards Dialogue-Based Interactive Semantic Mediation in the Medical Domain (90 KB)
[OM2008 Poster] Towards Ontology Interoperability through Conceptual Groundings (42 KB)
[OM2008 TechPapers] A Community Based Approach for Managing Ontology Alignments (170 KB)
[OM2008 TechPapers] Incoherence as a Basis for Measuring the Quality of Ontology Mappings (175 KB)
[OM2008 TechPapers] On fixing semantic alignment evaluation measures (133 KB)
[OM2008 TechPapers] Ontology Matching (749 KB)
[OM2008 TechPapers] Resolution of conflicts among ontology mappings - a fuzzy approach () (175 KB)
[OM2008 TechPapers] Towards a Benchmark for Instance Matching (207 KB)
[OM2008 TechPapers] Using quantitative aspects of alignment generation for argumentation on mappings (152 KB)
[PICKME] Finding Experts By Semantic Matching of User Profiles (187 KB)
[PICKME] Finding Experts on the Semantic Desktop (427 KB)
[PICKME] Requirements for expertise location systems in biomedical science and the Semantic Web (98 KB)
[PICKME] Smushing RDF instances - are Alice and Bob the same open source developer (134 KB)
[PICKME] The Hoonoh Ontology for describing Trust Relationships in Information Seeking (424 KB)
[PICKME] Topic Extraction from Scientific Literature for Competency Management (217 KB)
[SDoW] A Hybrid Social Entity Reconciliation Algorithm for Interlinking Online Social Communities (68 KB)
[SDoW] A State of the Art on Social Network Analysis and its Applications on a Semantic Web (38 KB)
[SDoW] Combining Social Music and Semantic Web for music-related recommender systems (1,163 KB)
[SDoW] Expressing Argumentative Discussions in Social Media Sites (679 KB)
[SDoW] Getting to Me - Exporting Semantic Social Network Information from Facebook (364 KB)
[SDoW] LODr - A Linking Open Data Tagging System (127 KB)
[SDoW] Modeling Online Presence (74 KB)
[SDoW] RDFohloh, a RDF wrapper of Ohloh (78 KB)
[SDoW] Semantify del.icio.us - automatically turn your tags into senses (132 KB)
[SDoW] Social Data on the Web → 1  2  
[SDoW] Towards Opinion Mining Through Tracing Discussions on the Web (2,460 KB)
[SDoW] Towards Socially Aware Mobile Phones (319 KB)
[SDoW] Wikipedia Mining for Triple Extraction Enhanced by Co-reference Resolution (285 KB)
[SMR 2008] Closing the Service Discovery Gap by Collaborative Tagging and Clustering Techniques (194 KB)
[SMR 2008] Combining Boolean Games with the Power of Ontologies for Automated Multi-Attribute Negotiation in the Semantic Web (164 KB)
[SMR 2008] Evaluating Semantic Web Service Matchmaking Effectiveness Based on Graded Relevance (149 KB)
[SMR 2008] Look Ma, No Hands - Supporting the semantic discovery of services without ontologies (238 KB)
[SMR 2008] Match'n'Date - Semantic Matchmaking for Mobile Dating in P2P Environments (397 KB)
[SMR 2008] Model-Driven Semantic Service Matchmaking for Collaborative Business Processes (791 KB)
[SMR 2008] Semantic Web Service Selection with SAWSDL-MX (313 KB)
[SMR 2008] Uncovering WSDL Specifications' Data Semantics (288 KB)
[SSWS] A Benchmark for Spatial Semantic Web Systems (125 KB)
[SSWS] A Scale-Out RDF Molecule Store for Improved Co-Identification, Querying and Inferencing (640 KB)
[SSWS] Benchmarking the Performance of Storage Systems that expose SPARQL Endpoints (120 KB)
[SSWS] Context Dependent Reasoning for Semantic Documents in Sindice (276 KB)
[SSWS] Optimizing SPARQL querying over pre-existing non-RDF data sources via an object-oriented approach (536 KB)
[SSWS] Quadruple Table Pivot Query for Efficient RDF Data Management and Retrieval (164 KB)
[SSWS] Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (2,482 KB)
[SSWS] Streaming Knowledge Bases (309 KB)
[SSWS] Towards Web Scale RDF (113 KB)
[SWESE] An OWL- Based Approach for Integration in Collaborative Feature Modelling (190 KB)
[SWESE] Automatic Component Selection with Semantic Technologies (260 KB)
[SWESE] Bridging EMF applications and RDF data sources (119 KB)
[SWESE] Customizable Workflow Support for Collaborative Ontology Development (246 KB)
[SWESE] Enhanced Semantic Access to Software Artefacts (207 KB)
[SWESE] Enriching SE Ontologies with Bug Report Quality (525 KB)
[SWESE] Introduction Context and Technologies Challenges and Problems Solution Approach and Architecture References (136 KB)
[SWESE] MusicMash2 - A Web 2.0 Application Built in a Semantic Way (13 KB)
[SWESE] Semantic Annotations of Feature Models for Dynamic Product Configuration in Ubiquitous Environments (373 KB)
[SWESE] Semantic Web Admission Free - Obtaining RDF and OWL Data from Application Source Code (609 KB)
[SWESE] Sindice Widgets - Lightweight embedding of Semantic Web capabilities into existing user applications (77 KB)
[SWESE] Use Cases for Building OWL Ontologies as Modules - Localizing, Ontology and Programming Interfaces & Extensions (457 KB)
[SWESE] Using Semantics in Portal Development (54 KB)
[SWSC] Advances in Solving the Mediator Scenario with jABC and jABC-GEM (287 KB)
[SWSC] Model-driven Service Integration using the COSMO framework1 (302 KB)
[Terra Cognita 2008] Geographical Linked Data - The Administrative Geography of Great Britain on the Semantic Web (76 KB)
[Terra Cognita 2008] Geospatial Semantic Context Capturing for Picture Annotation, Retrieval and Visualization in SPIM (203 KB)
[Terra Cognita 2008] Ontology-supported Querying of Geographical Databases (218 KB)
[Terra Cognita 2008] Semantic Execution Meets Geospatial Web Services - A Pilot Application (280 KB)
[Terra Cognita 2008] Spatial relations between classes as integrity constraints (650 KB)
[Terra Cognita 2008] Supporting Spatial Semantics with SPARQL (70 KB)
[Terra Cognita 2008] Trajectory Ontologies (293 KB)
[Terra Cognita 2008] TrustMap - Towards Trust Recommendations for Maps (176 KB)
[URSW Poster] A reasoner for generalized Bayesian dl-programs (151 KB)
[URSW Poster] Discussion on Uncertainty Ontology for Annotation and Reasoning (a position paper) (99 KB)
[URSW Poster] Maximum Entropy in Support of Semantically Annotated Datasets (183 KB)
[URSW Poster] Position Paper - Relaxing the Basic KR&R Principles to Meet the Emergent Semantic Web (38 KB)
[URSW Poster] Tractable Reasoning Based on the Fuzzy EL++ Algorithm (382 KB)
[URSW Poster] Which Role for an Ontology of Uncertainty (166 KB)
[URSW] Deciding Fuzzy Description Logics by Type Elimination (413 KB)
[URSW] DeLorean - A Reasoner for Fuzzy OWL 1.1 (518 KB)
[URSW] Describing and Communicating Uncertainty within the Semantic Web (470 KB)
[URSW] DL-Media - an Ontology Mediated Multimedia Information Retrieval System (1,413 KB)
[URSW] Inference in Probabilistic Ontologies with Attributive Concept Descriptions and Nominals (402 KB)
[URSW] Introducing Fuzzy Trust for Managing Belief Conflict over Semantic Web Data (617 KB)
[URSW] Representing Uncertain Concepts in Rough Description Logics via Contextual Indiscernibility Relations (294 KB)
[URSW] Storing and Querying Fuzzy Knowledge in the Semantic Web (429 KB)
[URSW] Uncertainty Reasoning for the World Wide Web - Report on the URW3-XG Incubator Group (194 KB)
[URSW] Uncertainty Treatment in the Rule Interchange Format - From Encoding to Extension (252 KB)

--  作者:zhoucqucs
--  发布时间:1/3/2011 11:12:00 AM

--  作者:cpahuangyg
--  发布时间:9/26/2012 1:13:00 PM

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