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----  [公告]NG4J - Named Graphs API for Jena 发布  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&rootid=&id=9978)

--  作者:orangebench
--  发布时间:9/15/2004 10:59:00 AM

--  [公告]NG4J - Named Graphs API for Jena 发布

NG4J - Named Graphs API for Jena
Contents: [URL=http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/ng4j/#intro]Introduction[/URL] | [URL=http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/ng4j/#example]Usage Example[/URL] | [URL=http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/ng4j/javadoc/index.html]JavaDoc[/URL] | [URL=http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/ng4j/#Download]Download[/URL] | [URL=http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/ng4j/#feedback]Feedback[/URL] |

Nearby: [URL=http://www.w3.org/2004/03/trix/]W3C Named Graphs Webite[/URL] | [URL=http://jena.sourceforge.net/]Jena - Semantic Web toolkit[/URL] | [URL=http://swdev.nokia.com/trix/TriX.html]TriX[/URL] | [URL=http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/TriG/]TriG[/URL] | [URL=http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/TriQL/]TriQL[/URL] | [URL=http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/][/URL][URL=http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/interest/]Semantic Web Interest Group[/URL] | [URL=http://www.w3.org/RDF/]RDF[/URL] |

The Named Graphs API for Jena (NG4J) is an extension to the Jena Semantic Web framework for parsing, manipulating and serializing sets of Named Graphs.

NG4J V0.1 extends Jena with these features:

graph-centric methods for manipulating sets of Named Graphs
quad-centric methods for manipulating sets of Named Graphs
viewing graphsets as Jena models and Jena graphs
provenance-enabled Jena statements
integrated parser for the basic TriX syntax
integrated serializer for the basic TriX syntax
in-memory graphset storage
directory reader for importing existing RDF files.
directory writer for serializing graph sets a classic RDF files.
For version 0.2, we plan to add:

a TriG parser
a TriG serializer
a TriX parser supporting XSLT transformations
a TriX serializer supporting XSLT transformations
database graphset storage
support for the TriQL query language
NG4J is an experimental implementation of the new syntaxes ([URL=http://swdev.nokia.com/trix/TriX.html]TriX[/URL], [URL=http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/TriG/]TriG[/URL]) and query language ([URL=http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/TriQL/]TriQL[/URL]) developed within the Semantic Web Interest Group. The whole implementation and all interfaces might change in future versions.

--  作者:houhou
--  发布时间:2/18/2006 5:04:00 PM

有没有人用过这个呀,搞Named graphs的人多不
--  作者:jpz6311whu
--  发布时间:2/18/2006 10:23:00 PM

以下是引用houhou在2006-2-18 17:04:00的发言:
有没有人用过这个呀,搞Named graphs的人多不

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