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----  软件工程与应用国际期刊(JSEA)征文[推荐]  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=48&rootid=&id=84508)

--  作者:scibreeze
--  发布时间:4/27/2010 2:23:00 PM

--  软件工程与应用国际期刊(JSEA)征文[推荐]

      Journal of software engineering and applications(JSEA)
        ISSN 1945-3116 (print), ISSN 1945-3124 (Online)

Subject Coverage

Applications and Case Studies
Automated Software Design and Synthesis
Automated Software Specification
Component-Based Software Engineering
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Software Design Methods
Formal Methods
Human-Computer Interaction
Knowledge Acquisition
Object-Oriented Technology
Patterns and Frameworks
Process and Workflow Management
Program Understanding Issues
Reflection and Metadata Approaches
Reliability and Fault Tolerance
Requirements Engineering
Reverse Engineering
Security and Privacy
Software Architecture
Software Engineering Decision Support
Software Engineering Education
Software Maintenance and Evolution
Software Process Modeling
Software Quality
Software Reuse
Software Testing
System Applications and Experience
Tutoring, Help, Documentation Systems

Internet and Information Systems Development
Software Domain Modeling and Meta-Modeling
Programming Languages and Software Engineering
Multimedia and Hypermedia in Software Engineering
Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Software Engineering


Please contact: jsea@scirp.org

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